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Welcome to English 3764

Welcome to English 3764 published on

Surprise! People with Stronger Writing Skills Are Better at their Jobs, Get Paid MoreThis is the post for December 26, 2016.

Welcome to the Winter 2016–2017 session of Technical Writing. The Winter Session begins today, Monday, December 26, 2016. This site is the official home for our Fall 2016 course (CRNs #83753 and #83754). Information on all assignments, weekly activities, and related resources will be posted here. Check this site regularly for the details on what to do for the course.

For today’s activities, please do the following:

1. Buy the book. If you want the physical copy, you need to order it ASAP so that you have time to read the chapters before the quizzes are due. The ebook version is fine, and you will have it faster obviously.

  • Markel, Mike. Practical Strategies for Technical Communication. 2nd ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2015.

    2. Read these pages on the course website:

    If desired, you can read details all the major writing projects and the participation portion of your course grade as well.

    3. If you have any questions, you can log into Piazza and ask them. Please place general questions about the course in the Logistics folder. Additionally, read through what your classmates have posted. If you can answer a question, please do. Likewise, if you want to clarify or add onto a question, do that as well. There is also an AMA folder in Piazza if you’d like to know more about me.

    Naturally, if you have a personal question, you can send me an email message at tengrrl at

    4. Confirm that your notifications in Canvas are set the way you want them. Note that Canvas uses your notification preferences to determine whether to email you or text you (or not tell you at all) about information in the site. See the section "How do I adjust my notification preferences?" in the Student Getting Started with Canvas Guide for more information on setting up your notifications.

    5. Take the Syllabus Verification Quiz to confirm that you have read the Syllabus and information on course logistics.  


    [Image: Detail from Why Good Writing Is Needed for Better Jobs]

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