The video below, No One Writes Alone: Peer Review in the Classroom, A Guide For Students (6m 34s), demonstrates how students collaborate and provide feedback on drafts for one another. Watch the video, paying attention to the kind of feedback people give and how the authors respond to the feedback.
In this course, you will work in online writing groups, similar to those in the video, to collaborate by giving and receiving feedback on whatever you have written. Additionally, you will provide support and accountability for one another by checking in on one another.
How You Will Work
You will write about whatever you are working on to your group in Piazza, which is accessible through Canvas. You will post your comments to your group as a Note, and then you will comment on the ideas of others in your group using the followup option.
Here are some things you might share in your writing group discussions:
- Status/progress reports on what you are doing/have done.
(Check Markel Chapter 12 for help with status and progress reports. Your updates can be informal.) - Rough drafts of your projects.
- Revisions of your projects.
- Small chunks of your projects, if you want feedback on something very specific.
- Success stories.
- Challenges you encounter.
- Questions that you have about your projects.
You can followup with your group members with any of the following:
- Provide supportive feedback and advice, like that shown in the No One Writes Alone video.
- Work together to solve any challenges or answer any questions.
- Collaborate on projects (be sure to credit your helpers if someone provides significant input).
- Plan for future conversations.
Tracking Your Work
General discussion of your projects as well as discussion of preparation, research, and ongoing work can be logged as small group activities in your Participation Log. Posting drafts of your projects and giving feedback on the drafts of those in your group can be logged as peer review activities in your Participation Log.
Help with Piazza
These support resources will help you use Piazza:
- How to post about what you are working on
- How to attach drafts to your notes
- How to edit someone else’s note to clarify the message
- How to comment on your groupmates’ work, by Participating in Followup Discussions (scroll to the relevant section)